Petr Hosek
constructor's export quick fix
was committed by ignatov
Monday Jul 11
changeset - default user filtration has been remo... was committed by ignatov 03:00 PM changeset
- ovveride Index.body was committed by ignatov 03:00 PM changeset
Provide bulk edit commands
was created by Petr Hosek
Sunday Jun 26
ticket - Allow listing all changes made by ind... was created by Petr Hosek 06:10 PM ticket
- Allow changing application settings t... was created by Petr Hosek 03:34 PM ticket
- Application help should provide searc... was created by Petr Hosek 03:30 PM ticket
- Application help needs to be divided ... was created by Petr Hosek 03:29 PM ticket
- Require confirmation before changing ... was created by Petr Hosek 03:26 PM ticket
- Allow administrators to add new users was updated by Petr Hosek 03:23 PM ticket