Petr Hosek
Allow administrators to edit user det...
was created by Petr Hosek
Sunday Jun 26
ticket - Allow adminsitrators to add new users was created by Petr Hosek 03:22 PM ticket
- Upgrade to Scala 2.9.0 was created by Petr Hosek 03:20 PM ticket
- Split administration settings to tabs was created by Petr Hosek 03:18 PM ticket
- Allow propagating changes in hierarchy was created by Petr Hosek 03:13 PM ticket
- Revert comment change functionality i... was created by Petr Hosek 03:09 PM ticket
- Delete button should display confirma... was created by Petr Hosek 03:04 PM ticket
Converted README to Markdown format a...
was committed by Petr Hosek
Tuesday Jun 21
changeset - Merge branch 'master' of was committed by Petr Hosek 02:23 PM changeset
- Updated to SBT 0.10. https://github.c... was committed by Petr Hosek 02:23 PM changeset