Petr Hosek
Remove Delete button in profile
was created by Petr Hosek
Tuesday Aug 02
ticket - No need for "Reset" button in "Accoun... was created by Petr Hosek 05:33 PM ticket
- Links to public profiles doesn't work was created by Petr Hosek 05:33 PM ticket
- Remove the "Add New" header for categ... was created by Petr Hosek 05:31 PM ticket
- Add delete button for categories was created by Petr Hosek 05:30 PM ticket
- Change "Allowed to post for anonymous... was created by Petr Hosek 05:30 PM ticket
- Change "Allowed to view for anonymous... was created by Petr Hosek 05:29 PM ticket
- Change users grid to a simpler list was updated by Petr Hosek 05:25 PM ticket
- Change users grid to a simpler list was created by Petr Hosek 05:25 PM ticket
- Remove Superuser column from user list was created by Petr Hosek 05:23 PM ticket