Petr Hosek
Make selectboxes for versions and def...
was created by Petr Hosek
Tuesday Aug 02
ticket - Users which are not super-users canno... was created by Petr Hosek 05:38 PM ticket
- Change agreement validation message i... was created by Petr Hosek 05:38 PM ticket
- Agreement checkbox should be on the s... was created by Petr Hosek 05:37 PM ticket
- Use section headers on discussions ta... was created by Petr Hosek 05:37 PM ticket
- Rename "Discussion Comments" tab in p... was created by Petr Hosek 05:36 PM ticket
- Add profile tab to user profiles was created by Petr Hosek 05:36 PM ticket
- Remove Delete button in profile was updated by Petr Hosek 05:35 PM ticket
- Remove Delete button in profile was updated by Petr Hosek 05:35 PM ticket
- Links to public profiles doesn't work was updated by Petr Hosek 05:34 PM ticket